Differences Between The Two Primary Editorial Skills

The history of copy reading and proofreading go all the way back probably to the time even our ancestors were even born. Since then, their applications in journalism and academic writing have been paramount and have contributed greatly to the evolution of mass media and communications. Though having similar functions, these two editorial skills are not necessarily the same. Here are a few subtle differences that are noteworthy to be remembered.
Phase in the publication process
One of the most prominent differences between these two primary editorial skills is their part in publication procedures. Most commonly, copy reading is done in the early stages of a manuscript or an article. Errors in grammar, spelling, syntax, and wording may all be revised by a copy reader. Proofreading, on the other hand http://www.scimedediting.com/, overlooks the final outcome of the project. A proofreader sees to it that the subject article is comprehensible and will be easily understood by the readers. He may suggest revisions like an interchange between chapters, title changes, subtopic changes, and improving the reliability of the content. Proofreading is also responsible in making sure that the layout of the final outcome is well-balanced, and may give a go signal to publishers whether a manuscript is already publishable.
Medium used
Due to the nature of their tasks and functions, copy reading and proofreading also differ greatly in how they are implemented. Most commonly, copy reading is done on a hard copy of the scientific manuscript editing services where the editor can include side comments and marks for revision. Where an error in spelling has been spotted, an editor may use marking pens to indicate an error. This part of the publication process is highly technical, and relies on long-established rules on grammar, punctuation and arrangement. A copy reader’s knowledge on good English is perpetually tested, and his efficacy is also challenged. In contrast, proofreading is mainly done on digital computers. Because they are in-charge for the final output, they make sure that everything looks good on the preview. Not only are proofreaders required to be good in rules of good English, they should also be good in its effective and efficient applications.

Although these two primary editorial skills have subtle differences that may not sound that much of a difference at all, they only have a single unifying goal. That is, to make the manuscript publishable and worthy to be presented to readers. At the end of the day, these two departments, though different in tasks and functions, must remain coordinated to realize the purposes for which they were established.